Kinloch Marina facilities include 6 boat ramps, petrol, park over property, dump station, power and water.

Marina Berths
142 berths ranging in size from 5.4m to 12 m (the majority being 9.5m and 10.7m)

Boat Ramps
There are 6 lanes available for public use to launch and retrieve boats (see Fees page for costs).

Power & Water
Power and fresh water are available on all berths; vessels wishing to plug into power need a current NZ Electrical Warrant of Fitness.

Available 24 hours.
We have the only facility on the lake where you can refuel your vessel while on the water. 95 Octane Petrol and Diesel are available using either Eftpos, or Credit cards in the self service machine.
Just follow the prompts.

Overnight and Long-Term Berth Rental
Berths may be available for short or long term rental, but these are in very high demand during the summer holiday season, please contact the Marina Manager for availability. All boats staying on a marina berth must have $5,000,000 of third party liability insurance cover.

Park Over for NZMCA Members
Room for 10 units, 6 sites with power available, 4 without power. Must have self containment certification. Maximum stay 2 nights. Water and dump station available.
Park over sites are NOT available between 24 December and 31 January, Easter, or Labour Weekend, we are too busy with Marina traffic to accommodate campers at those times.

Car Parking
Ample parking is available for berth owners and guests at no charge.

A pump-out facility is available on the wharf for boats and a waste dump on land for portable toilets.
The Marina (and all of Lake Taupo) is a NO discharge area please. Use your holding tanks and on shore facilities.

Public Facilities
Adjacent to the Marina are public toilets and the Kinloch Store. Trev Terry Marine and boat storage facilities can also be found in the village.
More Information on Facilities
For more information please call the Marina office 07 377 3323